Letter in Response to Neighbors Misdelivered Mail Funny Reddit

In this day and age, getting mail in your mailbox can be an exciting event. After all, as more letters turn digital, receiving physical mail only means there's something special that awaits you.

You shouldn't throw away misdelivered mail according to the United States Postal Service. In fact, throwing away mail that isn't yours could get you in trouble with the law, and you may be fined or imprisoned for up to 5 years in accordance with 18 U.S Code 1702 – Obstruction with Correspondence.

But what would you do if you opened your mailbox only to see a letter that was misdelivered to you? Perhaps it was a blunder from the mailman, or maybe it was a letter for the tenant who lived there before you. While many people may think to throw away the misdelivered mail, have you stopped to think about whether you can – or should?

What Should You Do With Misdelivered Mail?

So, if you can't throw out the letter you've gotten in your mailbox, but it isn't yours, what can you do with it? For starters, you shouldn't open the mail regardless of how curious you're feeling. Instead, a better course of action would be to return the mail to the United States Postal Service. To do this, you may do either of these two steps:

Put it back in your mailbox

This may sound odd, but if you have misdelivered mail and you want to return it to the postal service, then all you'll have to do is put it back in your mailbox. To indicate that the mail has been misdelivered, you should also write a note on the envelope, so the mailman knows you're returning the letter.

In most cases, you could write "Not at this address" or "Return to sender" on the envelope to have the mail redirected. This will tell the postal service the next time they come around that the letter doesn't belong to you and you wouldn't unknowingly break the law.

Do I legally Have to Forward Mail?

It is a crime to intentionally impede or prevent mail from reaching its intended recipient under 18 US 1702. There's nothing that says what you have to write on the mail but your best bet is to indicate that it was misdelivered and put it back in the mail box.

Get in touch with the United States Postal Service

If you're keen to go the extra mile, you may also contact the postal service to check if they have an updated address for the intended receiver. This way, they will know that you've received misdelivered mail and work on redirecting the mail to the right address in the future.

Can You Throw Away Misdelivered Mail

What if I Accidentally Open Misdelivered Mail?

While we understand the excitement of opening a letter that's been sent to your mailbox, sometimes the realization that the mail isn't for you can hit too late. So, what would happen if you accidentally open a misdelivered mail?

The good news, however, is that you don't have to panic just yet. Although the law notes that obstruction of correspondence is against the rules, you obviously didn't do this on purpose. In this case, you'll want to re-seal the letter immediately and put it back in the mailbox so it can be resent to its intended recipient.

Can You Sue Someone For Opening Your Mail?

As a general rule, if someone opens your mail, you can sue them for any damage they cause or for the value of the item if they don't return it. A better bet would be to contact the local police or postal inspector as mail theft is a crime and sueing will probably cost more than you would get back.

What If You Never Got Mail That You Were Expecting?

Finally, one of the biggest questions many people may ask is what happens if they're not receiving mail that they've been expecting? This could pose an inconvenience if you're waiting on time-sensitive paperwork or something important to you. So, where could your mail be?

Although there are no direct ways to check where your mail is unless it's registered mail with tracking services, some of the methods you can try to look for your mail are as below:

Check that your address is correct

If you've recently moved to a new address, it may be a good idea to check if your address has been updated by the sender. This could include most letters from banks and authoritative offices. In most cases, it is your responsibility to ensure that your correspondence address is always updated, so you can receive your mail as intended.

Visit the post office near you

Did you get a redelivery notice? Then it's time to head to the post office. Often, the postal services may drop your mail at the post office if they fail to deliver it to you. You'll then receive a redelivery notice to inform you that your mail has been redirected to the post office, and you can collect it there.

If you've been waiting for a piece of mail for a while now, it may be worth checking the post office to see if it has been sent to them.

Notify the United States Postal Service immediately

In the event that you have lost, damaged, or delayed mail, you should immediately notify the United States Postal Service. This could help them track down your mail to their best efforts and bring you your mail as soon as they can.

Do note that there are many factors like weather or natural disasters and shipping problems that could delay your mail, but to check in with USPS is a good way to find where your mail may have gone.

Ask your neighbors

Although this may seem obvious, there are still many people who may skip asking their neighbors when they're expecting mail. Checking in with your neighbors may also be a good way to see if your mail has been misdelivered, as this is a common mistake that the postal service may make.

Sometimes, it may be worth the extra mile to ask several neighbors instead of giving up after asking those who live right next to you. After all, the mail is a small item, and it could be easy to make these errors occasionally. This is also a great way for you to get to know your neighbors and forge great relationships along the way.


In conclusion, you shouldn't throw away misdelivered mail as it's illegal. Instead, the easier course of action would be to return the mail to the USPS. While this may be a slight hassle on your part, you'll want to think of it as paying it forward as you never know if your mail has been misdelivered to someone else – and hopefully, they'll return it just as you have.


Source: https://canyouthrowitaway.com/can-i-throw-away-misdelivered-mail/

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